Several years ago Comfort Accounting Services Inc. was conceived by its founder, Gabriel Dolnicianu, in response to pleas from corporations who learned, via word of mouth, about the complete satisfaction Comfort’s clients experienced and wanted the same for themselves.
Just as in the other components within the Comfort umbrella, Comfort Accounting Services Inc. considers its mission of providing the best possible service at a comfortable cost as just the starting point. Comfort then takes its dedication to excellence to the next level by partnering with the trailblazing Shiftsuite property management and accounting software. This partnership gives Comfort’s highly professional accounting personnel the tools necessary to take their knowledge and dedication to the next level.
Now Comfort Accounting Services Inc. is even better equipped to meet your corporation’s unique financial needs. We combine our proven processes, essential to the successful financial management of your corporation, with fully customizable accounting software to best meet your corporation’s unique needs.